Areas of Expertise
DOT DBE Program Consulting
CL provides AC/DBE certification review assistance ensuring business diversity compliance under the Federal unified certification program standards.
CSR/Vendor Inclusion Program
We work across all the major sectors to design program plans and develop capacity-building initiatives.
Entrepreneurial Consulting & Training
We work with women entrepreneurs and diverse small businesses to ensure success through our personalized business planning and strategy process.
Marion is an AMAZING business coach who gave me valuable tools to help me become a better leader in my business. She always challenged me to go further by giving me relevant feedback. Although my background is not in business, I feel so much more prepared as a business owner because of Marion’s help.
Marion has been advising my social enterprise for a while now and the experience has been nothing short of life-changing! Marion is a truly a gift to this world – having a rare combination of expansive professional knowledge and an equally expansive depth of character. She will champion you, and if you’d like, intuitively support your inner work, which will allow you to more fully step into your purpose. Each session with her brings clarity and actionable next steps, and I am always amazed at her breadth of expertise! I have partaken in various business development programs over the years, and without question, Marion has been the standout partner. Her astute advice has fast tracked my progress and I am eternally grateful!
Marion’s time with me was invaluable. I sought her expertise in identifying my personal and professional goals for my small business and articulating what I offer so that I might stand out in a sea of accomplished consultants. Marion showed up prepared and well-versed in what I do and offered concise, insightful, and actionable feedback. She is focused, warm, and loaded with thoughtful advice. Some call themselves servant leaders. Marion walks the walk. If you are looking to elevate how you do business (small, medium, or large) and focus on who you serve, Marion is the expert to turn to for clear direction on the steps to get you there.
Marion is amazing to work with. She makes you look at your business in a new light and helps you strategize additional streams of revenue you could generate. Working with her has not only helped strengthen my business’s foundation but my organization grew as a direct result of her strategic leadership.

Marion has the uncanny ability to connect with clients at all levels – never talking down to or over the heads of clients who are just starting out and finding their way, and providing invaluable, MBA level advice to experienced, established entrepreneurs. Regardless of the audience, Marion’s passion for what she does, and the satisfaction she gets from helping our clients become successful, empowered business owners are contagious.

Marion is an incredibly motivating and powerful corporate trainer, professional speaker, and executive coach. Her thought-provoking presentations provide a fresh perspective in today’s diverse business environment. I’m confident that any workplace would benefit from Marion’s practical and insightful ideas.

Marion is an extremely creative and insightful marketer. She is one of those uncommon individuals who is able to develop concepts into viable strategy and then strategy into concrete execution. Her experience of X-cultural market dynamics and global patterns allows her to engage in senior level marketing and business development conversations. She is a natural leader, communicator and pleasure to work with.

Marion is great at assessing human potential and prescribing realistic pathways to success. She delivers her candid (and sometimes sobering) advice with such warmth and humor, it is always well-received.
Marion provides wonderful, attentive service and was very helpful in allowing my business to take the next step. I would highly recommend her to anyone who feels they would benefit from her wealth of experience and knowledge in the areas of marketing and business development.
We’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback on the event, and we greatly appreciated your participation. I felt the attendees got an excellent overview of regional sustainability efforts, as well as some encouragement to pursue green collar careers and to help advance Philadelphia as America’s greenest city. The event certainly encouraged and motivated me!
Wanted to follow up with a quick note to thank you again for joining us in May and to let you know that when we surveyed workshop attendees about their experience, your panel scored the highest. Congratulations!
Thank you once again for the professional, insightful and very successful seminar you presented to my students here at Villanova University. I have always recognized people who have the true and proven abilities to lead, listen, motivate and help others improve their lives. I feel you are a perfect example of the culmination of all these qualities. Your seminar and the feedback I received on it.

Your insights are critically important to the furtherance of our mission to provide responsible leadership to support and sustain thriving communities worldwide.

Marion provided professional development training on the topic of “Building Your Personal Brand” to my organization. The workshop was highly interactive, and she was able to weave the experiences and comments of the attendees into her presentation to emphasize key points. The flow of her course allowed time for reflection as well as dialog that kept everyone engaged.

Blog Posts
How Do We Build Holistic Businesses?
Action indeed is the sole medium of expression for ethics. Jane Addams We’ve made it through January with its focus on “New Year. New You.” I truly would love for us to kick that thinking to the curb and focus on creating more sustainable solutions for the new norm we’re operating in. What if we
Let’s Help Your Business Thrive
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The World Needs Leaders Like You
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Time’s Up for Toxic Leadership: Moving from Power-Driven to Impact-Driven
Every one of us has a combination of masculine and feminine qualities. Instead of suppressing your feminine qualities because society may view them as less valuable, try tapping into those qualities personally and professionally as a source of power. Amy Stanton When you read and watch the news or jump onto social media, you’re inundated
We don’t believe in an one-size fits all approach. Or that there is such as thing as a business blueprint. We’re all about personalization and customization. Contact us today to discuss your unique needs so we can tailor our services for you.
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