The World Needs Leaders Like You
- March 16, 2020
- Posted by: Marion M. Chamberlain
- Categories: Leadership, Mission & Purpose

The world feels chaotic, frightening and overwhelming right now. We’re being cut off from the rest of the world and facing an uncertain time ahead.
It would be so easy to fall into despair and be sucked into fear-mongering. I’m not saying that we should throw all caution away. We’re dealing with a serious worldwide health crisis.
What I’m suggesting is that you use this time to question what you’d like to see in the world. The world needs your voice, compassion, authenticity and unique purpose. If you’re on my mailing list, I know you’re someone who is committed to creating an impact in this world – be it small in everyday life or bigger in your community and beyond. This moment in time might be very trying, but we need you to step forward with compassionate boldness and unapologetically. The world needs leaders like you who shine energy into dark spaces to lead change.
I’m challenging you to become an impact maker. Here are some questions to get you started:
- Pretend that you are near the end of your life. In looking back, what would you have needed to do/see/experience in order to consider your life to be one of fulfillment? Of few or no regrets? What’s most important for you?
- What really makes you angry/drives you crazy that you absolutely want to do something about?
- If I were to interview your family and/or closest friends, what would they say you value the most?
- If I were free to do anything I want to, what would I do?
- What do I love to do that makes me lose track of all time?
- What issues in the world bring me to tears?
- How would I structure my current job or business if I could?
- Which organization would I most like to work for or model my own business after?
- Which charity would I give my entire paycheck to if I could?
- What does money mean to me and how would I like to use it?
March also happens to be Women’s History Month. In honor of this event, use it as the fuel to remind yourself that you can do great things. You might want to start your impact maker journey with crafting your vision statement. A vision statement isn’t just for businesses. It also helps you get super clear on what YOU want. That’s correct. This is all about YOU. Not what your partner, family, friends, boss, team members or society-at-large wants. Most women live their lives according to others’ standards, wishes and dreams.
Take this forced downtime to carve out time to honor your dreams and ambitions. Being an impact maker doesn’t mean that you have to hit the streets and march (unless you want to). Impact can happen in your family, community or workplace. However, you envision it. Being bold for change does require ambition and vision. The first step then is to create this vision that truly is how you see yourself forging a better world.
If you’re looking for tools to help you and guide you, I would suggest either:
- My personal branding program. It’s for those who have a desire to have an impact. It’s a digital program to help you brand your personal mission. Building a personal brand will help you to increase your visibility to make a difference in the world and differentiate yourself. You can do it at your own pace. Read more here.
- Dreaming of starting your own business and need help with developing a business plan? Join me for a 6-week series as we go step by step through the elements of a successful business plan. I’ll be facilitating the program series for WCEC-NJ. You can easily register here. The program is virtual and starts on April 13.
Please use the energy of what is coming up for you during this time to create change and lead with impact. Stay healthy and get outdoors as much as you can. Nature and its sounds calm down your nervous system. Plus, if you’re alone out in nature, you’ll be surprised out how quickly you can tap into ideas around how you can step up as an impact maker.